Nonfiction Short Works:
1. "The Asian as Alien: Fantasy's Yellow Peril," Fantasy Newsletter, ed.
Robert A. Collins. No. 51, Sept. 1982, p. 25. 

1. Science Fiction Times, ed. Harald Pusch. West Germany. April 1986.
2. "A British View of the Yellow Peril," Fantasy Newsletter, ed.
Robert A. Collins. No. 59, May 1983, p. 37. (Review of essay "M.P. Shiel
on the Emergence of Modern China," by John D. Squires.)
3. "Dr. Wu's Lost and Found Emporium," first installment, Fantasy Newsletter,
ed. Robert A. Collins. No. 60, June/July 1983, p. 43. (Commentary on Work of Ted Reynolds.)
4. "Dr. Wu's Lost and Found Emporium," second installment, Fantasy
newsletter, ed. Robert A. Collins. No. 62, September 1983, p. 30.
(Commentary on work of Edward Eager.)
5. "Dr. Wu's Lost and Found Emporium," third installment, Fantasy Review, ed. Robert A. Collins. Renamed from Fantasy Newsletter. No. 64,
January 1984, p. 33. (Commentary on translation by Moss Roberts of
Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Lo Kuan-chung.)
6. "Science Fiction in China: Producing the Model 'A'," Amazing Science
Fiction Stories, ed. George Scithers. Vol. 58, No. 3. (Sept. 1984).
7. "Another View," Locus, ed. Charles N. Brown. Issue No. 287, Vol. 17,
No. 12. Dec. 1984., p. 28. Memoir of 1984 World Science Fiction
Convention, with five photos taken by author.
8. "A Detour Into the 'Twilight Zone'," Starlog, ed. David McDonnell. #104;
March 1986 (Vol. 9).
9. "The Yellow Peril in American Fiction," (excerpts from The Yellow Peril)
U.S.-China Review, ed. Duncan McFarland. March - April 1987/Vol. XI, No. 2.
10. "S.F. & F. Authors: Currently Most Underrated; Favorite S.F. Novels; Best
S.F. Movies," The Future Focus Book of Lists II: The Sequel; Future Focus
#16, ed. Roger Reynolds. Findlay, Ohio: Future Focus Science Fiction
Specialties, July 1987.
11. "Surgery in the Field," (interview with William Q. Wu, M.D.) Military
History Magazine, ed. C. Brian Kelly. Vol. 8, No. 2. (August 1991).
12. "Lacks 'Oriental' Flavor," Monad: Essays on Science Fiction, ed. Damon
Knight. Number Two. (March 1992) Pulphouse Publishing.
13. "Taking Liberties in Space," Ad Astra: To the Stars. The Magazine of the
National Space Society, ed. A. Royce Dalby. Vol. 3, No. 9. (November
14. "DiamondWeb is a gem in Antelope Valley," the Antelope Valley Journal
(Palmdale, Calif.), January 8, 1998, p. A1. (as Frank Ing.)
15. "One agency's secret to insuring success," the Antelope Valley Journal
(Palmdale, Calif.), January 22, 1998, p. A1. (as Frank Ing.)
16. "Lampela is a bright light in Valley realty," the Antelope Valley Journal
(Palmdale, Calif.), February 19, 1998, p. A1. (as Frank Ing.)
17. "Subterranean generation: Why not underground cities?" (essay), the
Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale, Calif.), The New Millennium special
section, January 1, 2000, p. 66.
18. "UFOs: Black planes or aliens?" Dark Skies: Part 6, the Antelope Valley
Press (Palmdale, Calif.), A section, October 21, 2000, p. A1.
19. "To walk among the stars," Dark Skies: Part 7, the Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale, Calif.), A section, October 22, 2000, p. A1.
20. "To serve man," the Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale, Calif.), Valley Life
section, May 9, 2002, p. C10.
21. "Field surgery in Burma campaign remembered," the Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale, Calif.), Our Heroes, Tales of Antelope Valley's Greatest
Generation special section, July 4, 2002, p. 6.
22. "You're invited to send message of support," the Antelope Valley Press
(Palmdale, Calif.), Opinion section, February 18, 2003, p. B5.
23. "Julius Schwartz Remembered," the Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale,
Calif.), 2004, Showcase entertainment section insert.
24. The Duke cast a giant shadow," the Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale,
Calif.), September 23 to 29, 2005, Showcase entertainment section insert,
25. "Superman experts reminisce,"(interviewed with Norman Shoaf, by Jana
Thorson), the Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale, Calif.), June 30 to July 6,
2006, Showcase entertainment section insert, p. 15.
26. "Night of the Lepus" commentary as part of "From killer bunnies to snakes
on a sub, VP staff picks favorite B flicks," the Antelope Valley Press
(Palmdale, Calif.), August 18 to 24, 2006, Showcase entertainment
section insert, p. 15.
27. "Tejon Ranch founder: Man of many facets," the Antelope Valley Press
(Palmdale, Calif.), June 18, 2007, History section, p. C8. (Byline at end
accidentally deleted.)
28. "Valley once was capital of Flat Earth Society," the Antelope Valley Press
(Palmdale, Calif.), August 7, 2007, History section, p. C8.
29. "L.A. may become suburb of Mojave Spaceport," the Antelope Valley
Press (Palmdale, Calif.), Opinion section, October 10, 2004.
30. "No proof of how city of Lancaster got its name," the Antelope Valley Press
(Palmdale, Calif.), History section, May 16, 2007.
31. Joshua trees nearly reduced to newsprint," the Antelope Valley Press
(Palmdale, Calif.), History section, August 24, 2007.
32. "Commander remembered around the base," the Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale, Calif.), History section, November 1, 2007.
33. "Missionary Garcés an early explorer in Mojave," the Antelope Valley
Press (Palmdale, Calif.), History section, December 21, 2007.
34. Palmdale - Colton Cutoff hailed as track to future," the Antelope Valley
Press (Palmdale, Calif.), History section, April 16, 2008.
35. Antelope Valley Lifestyle magazine, an Antelope Valley Lifestyle insert with Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale, Calif.), October 2008, p.18.
Paired with article by Jana Thorson based on interview with
William F. Wu, p. 23.
36. "Valley Press editor reflects on a life immersed in comics," the Antelope
Valley Press (Palmdale, Calif.), July 23 to 29, 2010, Showcase
entertainment section insert, p.16.
37. "From the Halls of Montezuma to Mojave Airport," the Antelope Valley
Press (Palmdale, Calif.), History section, September 17, 2009.
38. "Comments," as judge of poems in "Themed: Feed the Beast, poems about
monsters," Verseweavers, The Oregon State Poetry Association
anthology of Prize- winning Poems, ed. Eleanor Berry. Portland, Ore.:
Oregon State Association, 2011.
39. "Twilight Zone Reminicensce," the Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale, Calif.),
Showcase entertainment section insert June 2013.