Scholarly works by others that reference Bill, his work, or family:
1. Mak, Derwin, "The Perpetual Foreigner Syndrome in Chinese North American Science Fiction and Fantasy," published in The New York Review of Science Fiction, issue 348 (August 2018) after it was presented at the 2017 Academic
Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy in Toronto.
1. Franking, Holly; Katherine Anne Porter. Mae Franking's My Chinese Marriage.
University of Texas Press (first published October 1991, hardcover.) Annotated edition. Re: Bill's maternal grandparents, Tiam and Mae Franking. Author Holly Franking, deceased, was a first cousin of Bill's. The book is out of print at this time but used copies can sometimes be found.
2. Teng, Emma Jinhua, Eurasian: Mixed Identities in the United States, China, and Hong Kong, 1842–1943. University of California Press; First Edition (July 13, 2013). Re: Bill's maternal grandparents, Tiam and Mae Franking.
For Kindle, trade paperback, and hardcover editions:
(Available at all retailers who handle these editions.)
3. Wolk, Douglas, All of the Marvels. New York: Penguin Press (first published
Oct. 12, 2021.) Re: Bill is quoted a number of times regarding the Master of Kung-Fu comic book from Marvel Comics and his correspondence with writer Doug Moench during the 1970s and '80s.
For Kindle and hardback editions:
(Available at all retailers who handle these editions.)
4. Smith, Troy D., Shaolin Brew, Race, Comics, and the Evolution of the Superhero. Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi (first published in 2024.) Re: Bill is quoted a number of times regarding the Master of Kung-Fu comic book from Marvel Comics and his correspondence with writer Doug Moench during the 1970s and ‘80s. He especially appreciates being mentioned in the Acknowledgements.
For Kindle, hardcover, and paperback editions:
(Available at all retailers who handle these editions.)